Articles: Community News



Michelle Gollapalli, MBA, CFRE, CAP®, has been named to a two-year term as chair of Simpson's board of directors. “This is heart-centered work,” says Gollapalli, who was raised by her grandparents and sees her involvement in senior services as a way to honor them. “I...

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All year ‘round, the livin’ is easy

All year ‘round, the livin’ is easy

If you own a home, retirement doesn’t mean you stop working. You just stop going to a workplace. If you want to enjoy the freedom of maintenance-free senior living, think about making the move to a retirement community. If you do it right, you’ll not only regain your...

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Meet Dot Koble

Meet Dot Koble

She's Called Simpson Meadows Home Since 2020She nailed it! At a time when most women stayed in the kitchen or dipped their toes into the waters of the secretarial pool, Dot Koble studied industrial arts at Millersville and then went on to teach the subject in several...

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Meet Fred Gates

Meet Fred Gates

He's Called Simpson Meadows Home Since 2000And the beat goes on Marching in his father’s footsteps put Fred Gates on a path to his happiest memory and greatest accomplishment in life: wedding Elsie and being married to her for more than 60 years. They met while...

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Meet Tom Lee

Meet Tom Lee

Firefighter He’s Called Simpson Meadows Home Since 2019 A burning desire to help others As a kid growing up in Downingtown, Tom Lee would run after the fire trucks when a call came through. He felt connected to the fire department. After all, his two uncles served as...

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Meet Jim & Lois Caldwell

Meet Jim & Lois Caldwell

They've Called Simpson Meadows Home Since 2017They made the journey to God’s heart Jim and Lois Caldwell have traveled and lived around the world. Since 2017, they have called Simpson Meadows “home.” “Our fellow residents here are very friendly, and it’s a convenient...

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Meet Betty Wilder

Meet Betty Wilder

She's Called Simpson Meadows Home Since 2009She builds creative community Betty Wilder is living proof that it is never too late to make your dreams come true. She published her first novel on her 72nd birthday. Since then she has published several more novels and a...

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Meet Ned Lurcott

Meet Ned Lurcott

He's Called Simpson Meadows Home Since 2007He aims for the stars When Edwin “Ned” Lurcott was growing up, his father introduced him to astronomy, often using tools he made himself to view the skies. Years later, Ned would share his knowledge of and passion for the...

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