Meet Josephine DiRenzo

Meet Josephine DiRenzo

She’s Called Simpson House Home Since 2018

The school of life

Josephine DiRenzo believes in starting her day with a prayer.

“The Lord is there to listen,” says Josephine, who has called Simpson House “home” since 2018.

A Philadelphia native, Josephine worked in elementary education.

“I was fortunate to meet many people whom I dealt with in forming evaluation teams for school accreditation,” she says. “My registry of professional volunteers consisted of superintendents, principals, teachers, and other school personnel.”

The accreditation process assures that schools meet certain standards, which vary by state. Accreditation can be a sign of a school’s quality, and the process can also help schools identify areas where they need to improve.

Lessons learned
As much as she enjoyed her career, Josephine’s happiest memories are more personal—spending holidays with family and friends, enjoying good food and sing-a-longs.

What’s the secret to aging well?

“Stay active with walking and an exercise routine. Eat well to stay healthy,” she says. Perhaps most important, “Keep a positive attitude and have a pleasant smile.”

Josephine may begin her day by talking to God, but when it comes to other people, she has another suggestion:

“Learn to listen rather than speak,” she counsels. “Many times, people want a shoulder to lean on.”

Forever Grateful- A message from Josephine
“I have made many friends while living in Cornerstone at Simpson House and I will never forget their care and support after fracturing my hip six months after moving into this community. I have learned much from these friendships and I will always be grateful for the kindness shown to me. As it is usually said about Simpson, the people here are what make this community so great to have in your life.”


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